Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2023-10-05 12:28:14

Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2023-10-05 12:28:14

  • Bangladesh
  • Quader castigates Fakhrul for presenting distorted information over law.

Quader castigates Fakhrul for presenting distorted information over law

Quader castigates Fakhrul for presenting distorted information over law

Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader has strongly condemned and protested BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir's remarks over the country's existing law and judicial process.

"BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir presented false and distorted information over the country's legal matters before the nation," he said in a statement on Wednesday, BSS reports.

Quader, also road transport and bridges minister, said Fakhrul and other BNP leaders are out to make ill-efforts to mislead the nation by making limitless falsehood over the party chief Begum Khaleda Zia's illness.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina showed the highest generosity and liberalism to graft case convict Begum Khaleda Zia allowing her to stay at her home and take advanced treatment from the country's most modern hospital in an executive order postponing her jail term.

Showing such generosity to a convict is a rare example not only in Bangladesh but also in the entire world, he mentioned.

Fakhrul not is only undermining the generosity showed by the Premier but also they are making irresponsible and inciting comments over the country's law, justice and constitution.

Without following proper legal procedures, BNP is carrying out evil attempts to fish in troubled water capitalizing on Khaleda's illness to gain political interest.

About Fakhrul's allegation of showing political vengeance and pushing opposition towards death, Quader said according to the historical accounts, BNP founder military dictator Ziaur Rahman was involved in the assassination of Bangabandhu along with most of his family members on August 15, 1975.

 Even Zia had turned the Indemnity Ordinance into an act to provide Bangabandhu killers legal security and not only that, killers were rewarded by giving jobs at foreign missions.

Following Zia's footprints, his widow Begum Zia had also put Bangabandhu killers-Rashid and Huda to parliament in the voter less polls of February 15, 1996, he mentioned.

Killer Khairuzzaman was reinstated to his job at the foreign ministry and recruited as an ambassador after giving promotion, he said.

Begum Zia continued the trend of BNP's political vengeance by celebrating her fake birthday on the martyrdom anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Mourning Day on August 15.

Political vengeance and nasty mentality of killing political opponents are traditionally BNP's philosophy, he mentioned.

Noting that Bangabandhu's daughter never does politics of vengeance, he said rather she became victim of BNP's political vengeance.

During the BNP-Jamaat coalition government regime, gruesome grenade attacks were carried out to kill the then Opposition Leader and AL President Sheikh Hasina on August 21 in 2004 under direct supervision of Hawa Bhaban, the alternative power house of BNP.

At the death of Khaleda's younger son Arafat Rahman Koko, the Premier went to console Khaleda at her house but the entrance was kept locked and the Premier was not allowed to console her, he said.

Though BNP made political vengeance to that extent, Bangabandhu's daughter showed the highest generosity to Khaleda, he said.

Quader said Fakhrul gave complete false information over Sheikh Hasina's treatment abroad in 2008 during the caretaker government tenure.

Sheikh Hasina was not convict and there was no bar from the court to her in going abroad, he said, adding Bangabandhu's daughter is always respectful to law and she went abroad for treatment following proper legal procedures after getting bail on all cases filed against her.

On the other hand, Begum Zia is a convict and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina postponed her jail term issuing an executive order, he said.

If Khaleda wants to go abroad, she must have to appear before the court to take permission as per the existing law and the matter is complete jurisdiction to the court and there is no scope to do politics over the matter, he said.
