Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2019-01-15 16:00:00

Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2019-01-15 16:00:00

  • Bangladesh
  • Fakhrul urges political parties to forge national unity.

Fakhrul urges political parties to forge national unity

Fakhrul urges political parties to forge national unity

BD Correspondent: Bangladesh Nationalist Party secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Wednesday urged the opposition political parties to forge a firm unity to defeat the sitting ‘horrible monster’ to ensure a victory for democracy.

Addressing a commemoration meeting at National Press Club, Fakhrul said that to unseat this horrible monster any individual struggle will not be adequate.

He said to ensure a victory for democracy there is no alternative to the peoples’ unity to dislodge the monster that destroyed all national achievements and shattered the spirit of independence and democracy.

Fakhrul said people have rejected the December 30 general election as it was only a ‘cruel hoax’.

Now the responsibility of the political parties is to consciously work for strengthening national unity so that peoples’ voting rights is never frustrated, he said.

The secretary general also said that the issues of the situation in which they have taken the initiative of forging unity, and whether it was right or wrong, can be discussed in the respective forums.

Fakhrul, also spokesperson of BNP-led opposition alliance Jatiya Oikya Front, said the BNP-led 20 party alliance and the front were formed realising that there was no alternative to unity.

He claimed that building a bridge between Oikya Front and the 20-party alliance was necessary during the polls and still seemed a historical necessity in the light of the country’s future.
Fakhrul claimed that people of Bangladesh and the international community have rejected the latest parliament polls which was marked by widespread ‘rigging’ and ‘ballot-box stuffing’.
He said the election has caused harm to Awami League, saying people have turned against Awami League — they are now its opponent.

The secretary general said the ruling party was successful in establishing a one-party rule through an election in which the entire state machinery was exploited.

But people did not accept it, Fakhrul said.
Jatiya Party (Zafar), a component of BNP-led alliance, organised the event to commemorate its acting chairman TIM Fazle Rabbi Chowdhury, who died on December 20, ten days before the December 30 national elections.

He contested in the 11th parliament polls in Gaibandha 3 seat with ‘sheaf of paddy’, the electoral symbol of BNP.
Jatiya Party secretary general Mostafa Zamal Haider presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, Jatiya Party presidium member MM Alam regretted that they had to hear ‘Joy Bangla’ instead of ‘Bangladesh Jindabad’ slogan from the dais at the Jatiya Oikya Front’s rally.
