Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2024-07-01 01:07:40

Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2024-07-01 01:07:40

  • Education
  • Pension scheme: University teachers to go on strike from Monday.

Pension scheme: University teachers to go on strike from Monday

Pension scheme: University teachers to go on strike from Monday

Teachers of public universities across the country will go on indefinite work abstention from Monday (July 1) demanding withdrawal of universal pension scheme ‘Prottoy’, terming it ‘discriminatory’.

The Federation of Bangladesh University Teachers' Association announced the decision at a press conference held Arts Faculty of Dhaka University main entrance on Sunday.

Members of the organization said that they have been carrying out various peaceful programmes for more than three months, demanding the withdrawal of the ‘discriminatory pension scheme’ and introducing a separate pay scale for the teachers.

They also observed a half-day work abstention in the universities on June 25, 26 and 27 and Saturday and a full-day work abstention is being observed on Sunday.

The Association has announced that they will go on indefinite work abstention from Monday if the government does not take effective action on their demands by Sunday.

Classes and exams including regular, evening program, professional programs, online classes and offline classes; all the academic and administrative activities will remain suspended during this period.

This program is being coordinated by the Federation of University Teachers' Association, a coalition of Public University Teachers' Associations.

In March, the government introduced a new scheme named "Prattay" under the Universal Pension Scheme (UPS) for newly recruited employees of autonomous, state-owned, statutory, and their subordinate bodies.

The Ministry of Finance said this scheme will be effective from Monday (July 1).
