Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2023-04-11 02:37:18

Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2023-04-11 02:37:18

US can overthrow govt of any country: PM

US can overthrow govt of any country: PM

Daily Bangla Times: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday (April 10) said the United States can overthrow the government of any country any time. In particular, Muslim countries are going through tough situations.

The country (USA) frequently gives lectures about democracy and some people, including the opposition party, are becoming cheerful hearing the lecture, said Sheikh Hasina. 


“Yes, they can overthrow the government of any country. In particular, Muslim countries are going through tough situations,” she said.

 Nothing happened till the wrong things were happening in the Islamic countries, but after the Russia-Ukraine war the whole world fell into an economic recession and this is the reality, she observed. 

The Prime Minister, also Leader of the House, was delivering the valedictory speech in the 22nd (special) session of the 11th parliament, marking the Golden Jubilee of the parliament with Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair.


 “They are giving us lessons about democracy. In all aspects, they are talking about democracy and human rights. What is the state of their country?,” she raised a question, referring to the incident of three Congressmen in Tennessee state of US. 


Sheikh Hasina said, “A few days ago, three Congressmen in the US state of Tennessee were made guilty as they petitioned for gun control stating that this type of gun possession should be stopped.”


“That was their crime. And these three were expelled from Congress. But, one of them could escape as he is white,” she said, adding, “The crime of Justin John and Justin Pearson is that they are black.” 


“Because of that, their seats became unseated. So, where are human rights there? We ask where their democracy is,” she added. 


The Prime Minister said that Rashed, who killed Bangabandhu on August 15, had taken shelter in America and now, he is living there. 


“I’ve appealed to all the Presidents. Legally, we’ve made efforts. We’ve tried through diplomacy. I’ve appealed that you (US) cannot grant asylum to this convicted murderer,” she said, adding that “...You cannot give shelter to the killer of children, killer of women, killer of president and killer of minister... Return him back. But, they are not returning him, rather they are sheltering him.”


 Mentioning that they speak against corruption, she said “Now, it can be seen that the US is advocating in favour of those who were convicted for corruption.”

Keeping aside democracy they want to bring such a government into power where there will be no existence of democratic practice, she noted.


“In that case, some of our intellectuals who make their livelihood selling intellect and a little bit of money also lure them,” she added.


Sheikh Hasina said a renowned newspaper asked a 7-year-old child to tell a lie, giving Taka 10 in his hand. They recorded his remark –“We want freedom of rice, fish and meat”--- and the newspaper published it.


“The renowned newspaper is there, which is very popular. Though its name is Prothom Alo (light), it lives in darkness. Prothom Ali is the enemy of the Awami League, democracy and the people of the country,” she told the Parliament. 


She continued, “I am very sorry to say that they never want stability in the country.” The Premier said they were very glad in 2007 when the emergency was declared and two newspapers were wholeheartedly engaged in the process during that time.


And with them, there is one – “Sudkhur” (money lender), who is America’s very favourite, she said. 


She added that America did not even ask once where the managing director of Grameen Bank, who used to get a salary from the government, got millions of dollars.


“How could he do social business in places like America, invest in the country and abroad? From where does this money come? Have they ever asked it? They didn’t ask,” she said.


“Now, we have to hear words (lesson) from them about corruption and the fight against corruption. We also have to hear words from them about human rights,” she said. 


These people (Dr Yunus and others) tried to destroy the democracy of the country and played ducks and drakes with the fate of the people, she added.
