Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2019-03-05 16:00:00

Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2019-03-05 16:00:00

  • Politics
  • BNP vows to force govt to release Khaleda.

BNP vows to force govt to release Khaleda

BNP vows to force govt to release Khaleda

BD Online Desk: Opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party on Wednesday held a human chain in Dhaka vowing to force the incumbent government through an irresistible movement to release the party’s imprisoned ailing chairperson Khaleda Zia.

The party leaders expressed the determination addressing a one-hour human chain from 12:30pm in front of National Press Club, organised by BNP for Khaleda’s unconditional release and proper treatment.

Several hundred leaders and activists of BNP and its front and associate organisations joined the human chain led by the party’s secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir.
Khaleda was sentenced to five years in jail on February 8 last year in a graft case and sent to old Dhaka central jail on Nazimuddin Road in Dhaka.

Police were deployed at both ends of the human chain.
Mirza Fakhrul said now time has come to strengthen the organisation to build people’s unity to launch an irresistible movement to force the government to release Khaleda Zia.
He once again demanded holding of a fresh parliamentary poll presided over by a neutral Election Commission, under a neutral government after cancelling the results of the 11th parliament polls marred by ‘flaws’ and ‘fraud’.

He said former prime minister Khaleda Zia is now sick and added that getting treatment is her fundamental right but her right remains ignored.

Fakhrul said BNP has repeatedly asked the government for taking steps for Khaleda’s treatment at a specialised hospital as per her choice, but the government seems disinclined because they (government) feared losing power if she was treated at the hospital of her choice.

He said Khaleda has been detained only due to a vendetta.
In the last few years, political and social activists raising their voices for democracy were detained on false excuses, implicated in false cases, Fakhrul said, claiming that nearly 98,0000 cases were filed against over 25 lakh leaders and activists across the country.
The government wants to forcibly cling to power to establish one party rule, he said.

In an oblique reference to the recent rapid standard treatment for ruling Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader, BNP standing committee member Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain said if ministers fell sick physicians are summoned from abroad and the patient is even sent abroad for better treatment. Whereas, three times prime minister Khaleda was not allowed to access to minimum level of treatment, he said.

Mosharraf, former health minister, said Khaleda Zia repeatedly stated that she did not receive treatment at public hospital, including at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University.

He said rumour has it that again Khaleda would be taken to BSMMU as a BNP delegation on Tuesday met the home minister requesting him for taking measures for ensuring better treatment of Khaleda.

Mosharraf said Khaleda’s demand for her treatment at any specialised hospital was not an unreasonable one.

The standing committee member said BNP’s first demand was that Khaleda must be released and be free to seek treatment at places of her choice, including abroad.
Mosharraf warned that the government would have to take responsibility if Khaleda’s health deteriorated.

Another standing committee member Moudud Ahmed said Khaleda Zia have to be released through street movement, saying there is no alternative to political movement.
Wishing quick recovery of the ailing transport minister Obaidul Quader, Ganashashthya Kendra founder Zafrullah Chowdhury wondered about the amount of money spent on treatment in Singapore. He said people suffering from similar disease are being cured every week in Bangladesh.

The government, one day, would have to be held accountable for spending such huge amount, he said, adding that on the other hand, getting directive of High Court is an imperative to ensure that the former prime minister is given proper treatment in the country.

BNP leaders including Mirza Abbas, Abdul Moyeen Khan, Nazrul Islam Khan, Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhury, Shamsuzzaman Dudu, Amanullah Aman, Abdus Salam, Khairul Kabir Khokon, and Abdus Salam Azad, among others, addressed the human chain.
