Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2023-05-01 22:51:57

Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2023-05-01 22:51:57

  • Politics
  • Mirza Fakhrul calls on workers to stand against dictatorship.

Mirza Fakhrul calls on workers to stand against dictatorship

Mirza Fakhrul calls on workers to stand against dictatorship

Daily Bangla Times : Bangladesh Nationalists Party (BNP) Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has called on the people, especially the workers, to stand up against the government. He said, "Today our working class people are suffering the most. They can't even eat twice a day properly. So we have to stand up for ourselves, in the interest of the people of Bangladesh, in the interest of the workers, in the interest of the working people, in the interest of the farmers, in the interest of the people. ” The BNP secretary general made the call while highlighting the condition of the working people of the country at a May Day workers' rally on Monday afternoon. “We have to unite our people and topple them (the government). Our workers today have pledged to stand firm against dictatorship. Because if democracy is not established, if dictatorship cannot be removed, then the interests of the workers cannot be protected, their rights cannot be earned.” Mirza Fakhrul said the unelected government is not only destroying the workers and farmers of this country but everyone. “The monsters are destroying everything in our country, our institutions, our democracy, destroying all our futures,” Fakhrul said. He also asked for the resignation of the government during his speech. Referring to BNP's 10-point demand, he said: "An election-time caretaker government must be formed who will then aid in electing a government of the people, a government of the workers.” BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir criticized Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud's comments regarding Khaleda Zia's health. "BNP's real objective is to make Khaleda Zia sick and make her appear sick. BNP has been doing it from the very first for gaining political interest," the information minister said while addressing journalists on Sunday. dt-ad Criticizing his remarks, Mirza Fakhrul said: "You (the government) are not giving the country's leader (Khaleda Zia) the opportunity to get treatment, you are not allowing her to go out of the country, you have imprisoned her in false cases.” “You've kept our Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman in exile with a false case for 14-15 years," he said. dt-ad During his speech, the BNP secretary general also demanded the release of all the leaders and activists detained in jail. Jatiyatabadi Sramik Dal, one of the associate bodies of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), organized the rally in front of the party's central office in Naya Paltan on the occasion of May Day. After the rally, the leaders took out a possession with the workers. In addition to the central program in Dhaka, Jatiyatabadi Sramik Dal has held workers' rallies and rallies in districts across the country as well.
