Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2018-12-25 16:00:00

Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2018-12-25 16:00:00

  • Politics
  • Uphold dignity of uniform: Mahbub to law enforcers.

Uphold dignity of uniform: Mahbub to law enforcers

Uphold dignity of uniform: Mahbub to law enforcers

BD Correspondent: Election Commissioner Mahbub Talukder today urged the law enforcement agencies to deliver their duties in a neutral manner, upholding the dignity of their uniform. “Do not make any undesirable action by being too enthusiastic,” he said, adding “It is your duty to act neutrally and without discrimination to all”.

“Prohibit from acting in a partisan manner in the polls. Uphold the dignity and righteousness of your uniform,” he also said.

He also expressed grave concern over the ongoing spate of political clashes ahead of the December 30 general election.

“I am worried over the growing number of incidents involving clashes between the political parties ahead of the national election,” the election commissioner told reporters around 11:45am this morning at the Election Commission in the capital.

The EC Mahbub Talukder also issued a statement in this regard.
