Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2018-11-16 16:00:00

Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2018-11-16 16:00:00

Death anniv of Bhashani today

Death anniv of Bhashani today

BD Correspondent:
The nation observes today the 42nd anniversary of the death of Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, the lifelong fighter for the rights of the oppressed and leader of the toiling masses.

His relentless struggle against imperialism, feudalism and for an exploitation-free secular and democratic society endeared him to the common people. He is known as Majlum Jananeta or the leader of the oppressed. Democratic, secular and left politics in this land grew under his shadow.

Bhashani died on November 17, 1976 leaving behind a chequered political life of struggles for the cause of the downtrodden.

President Abdul Hamid, prime minister Sheikh Hasina and Bangladesh Nationalist Party secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir issued messages on Friday paying tributes to the great national leader.

Different political parties and socio-cultural organisations have taken elaborate programmes marking the day.
Workers Party of Bangladesh president and also social welfare minister Rashed Khan Menon, in a press statement, said that Bhashani was a mass leader who worked all his life for establishing a repression-free society.

Ganasomhati Andolan organised a discussion meeting at its central office to mark the death anniversary of Bhashani.
Our correspondent in Tangail reports that different political parties and organisations would place wreaths on the grave of Bhashani at Santosh in the district this morning.

Different political parties and socio-cultural organisations would commemorate Bhashani’s life and times through discussions as a politician with a difference.
Khoda-e-Khidmotgar and NAP (Bhashani) would jointly hold a discussion meeting on the life of Maulana Bhashani at Dharbar Hall in the morning to mark the day.
BNP would hold a discussion today on Bhashani Majar premises at Santosh.

The events include placing wreaths at the grave of Bhasani, doa and milad mahfil, mass feeding, blood donation, painting competition, photography exhibition, spiritual songs and discussions on the life and works of the spirited leader of the masses.

National Awami Party (Bhashani), Bhashani Anusari Parishad and Jatiya Krishak Samity would hold discussion meetings in different places in the capital recalling Bhashani.
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University in Tangail would distribute food among the poor on the day and hold a special prayer session after zuhr prayers.

The university arranged a workshop on ‘Mawlana Bhashani’s politics and personal life’ at bio-technology and genetic engineering department on Monday.
