Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2023-07-14 01:45:25

Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2023-07-14 01:45:25

  • Politics
  • BNP to bring caretaker govt provision in constitution if voted to power.

BNP to bring caretaker govt provision in constitution if voted to power

BNP to bring caretaker govt provision in constitution if voted to power

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has said their party will amend the country's constitution if it is voted to power in the next general elections.

"BNP will accommodate a provision of election-time non-party caretaker government to the constitution," he said while addressing a press conference at the BNP chairperson's Gulshan office in the capital on Thursday (July 13, 2023).

Making a 31-point outline, Mirza Fakhrul said none would be able to become prime minister more than two consecutive periods. "BNP has prepared a state structure accommodating these provisions.

"We're now announcing our 31-point outline, not just for the election and for regime change, but for overall qualitative change in the state system and turning the country into a democratic state in the true sense."

He said this outline is "crucial" for the nation, as it contains their party's commitments to bringing positive change to the country.

Mirza Fakhrul said the current authoritarian government has destroyed the state structure of Bangladesh," he said. "This state needs to be repaired and rebuilt."

As a responsible political party, Fakhrul said -- through discussions with other parties who are carrying out movements with us -- formulated this outline. "On behalf of BNP, I want to present it before the nation," he said.

Mirza Fakhrul said the white papers on all kinds of corruption and money laundering will be published

The BNP leader said they announced a one-point demand from their Wednesday rally in the capital for a historic political changeover.

The BNP leader said Bangladesh was created with the dream of establishing democracy, equality, human dignity, and social justice through the Liberation War in 1971. "They (people) have now lost their ownership of the country."

After winning a free, fair, impartial, acceptable, and participatory election, Fakhrul said a public welfare-oriented government of national consensus will be formed, comprising the political parties that are participating in the ongoing anti-government movement to restore people's ownership of the country.

BNP standing committee members Mirza Abbas, Dr Abdul Moyeen Khan, Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury and Selima Rahman were present at the press conference.
