Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2023-03-25 01:04:30

Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2023-03-25 01:04:30

  • Politics
  • BNP's movement to continue with programmes through Ramadan.

BNP's movement to continue with programmes through Ramadan

BNP's movement to continue with programmes through Ramadan

As part of the party’s decision to continue its movement, BNP on Friday announced fresh programmes, including sit-in and mass campaign, from the metropolitan city to union levels to press home their 10-point demand, including holding the next general election under a non-party caretaker government.

The programme is also meant for registering the party’s protest against the rise in the prices of power, gas and essential items and the Awami League government’s all-pervasive corruption.

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir announced the programme at an iftar party at the Ladies Club in the city.

As part of the programme, the party will stage a sit-in from 2pm to 4pm on April 1 in all metropolitan cities and districts towns. Besides, a similar programme will be observed from 3pm to 5pm on April 8 at all thanas in metropolitan cities and at all upazilas in the districts.

 The party will also stage sit-in or form human chain programmes and distribute leaflets from 4pm-6pm at the union level from April 9-13.

As per the schedule, the programme will be observed in Rangpur and Chattatogram divisions on April 9 while in Rajshahi and Sylhet on April 10, in Khulna and Cumilla on April 11, in Dhaka and Barishal on April 12 and in Mymensingh and Faridpur on April 13.

Besides, Fakhrul said their party leaders will hold views-exchange meetings, provide assistance to the poor and destitute and conduct mass campaigns in all cities, districts, upazilas, Thanas, unions and wards across the country.

He said their party was not supposed to declare political programs during Ramadan but had no choice: “We have been forced to announce the programmes during this Ramadan due to the current situation of the country."

The BNP leader said they would continue their movement for the restoration of democracy and people's voting and other rights.

“We hope the country’s people will participate in these programmes and they will wage a fierce movement to establish their rights to vote and their right to speak,” he said.

Fakhrul called upon people from all walks of life and all parties to get united to establish a pro-people government and parliament through a credible election under a non-party caretaker administration by ousting the current fascist regime.
