Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2018-12-09 16:00:00

Daily Bangla Times :

Published : 2018-12-09 16:00:00

  • Politics
  • BNP contesting polls as part of anti-government movement: Moyeen.

BNP contesting polls as part of anti-government movement: Moyeen

BNP contesting polls as part of anti-government movement: Moyeen

BD Correspondent: The BNP is participating in the December 30 election as part of its movement against the incumbent government, the party’s standing committee member Dr Abdul Moyeen Khan said Monday.

The Oikya Front candidate for Narsingdi-2 constituency made the comment after collecting his electoral symbol.

Oikya Front was formed in October with BNP as one of the key members. The BNP shared 58 seats with its partners from Oikyafront and 20-party alliance.

“Our (BNP’s) election manifesto will reflect (party chief) Khaleda Zia’s Vision-2030,” he told the media.

Altogether 33 aspirants for five constituencies received symbols for the 11th national election. Deputy Commissioner and Returning Officer Sayeda Farhana Kawnine distributed the symbols until Monday noon at her office.
